What We Do

The Art, Media, and Performance Academy (AMP) is a small school-within-a-school emphasizing visual, media, and performing arts professional training. The Academy provides an integrated education for high school students from diverse backgrounds. Through rigorous academic inquiry, collaborative learning, and professionally guided arts training, the AMP Academy cultivates 21st century citizens, blending intellectual curiosity and academics with artistic discipline that prepares students for college and career.

Mission Statement

The Art Media Performance Academy, at Monterey High School seeks to advance knowledge, to promote intellectual inquiry, and to cultivate creativity for academic and career success.

The Academy provides its students with a superior arts education, fosters excellence in creative inquiry and discovery, and prepares students for global engagement as creators, advocates, and patrons of the arts. 

Moreover, the arts in the general education of all AMP students provide special modes of thinking unavailable in other disciplines.  The arts involve unique ways of knowing, understanding, expressing, and creating,  each of which contributes to human achievement and a deeper shared experience.

Course of Study

  • Visual Arts Pathway

    When our students take art classes within AMP they learn skills in multiple art fields. Students interested in visual art may explore the arts through several different mediums, including 3D, 2D, and digital media. These experiences will prove useful in every students' future endeavors, whether they decide to pursue a profession in the arts or elsewhere.

  • Performing Arts Pathway

    When students take performing arts classes with AMP Academy, they can participate in performances and entertainment at MHS. They will also be able to watch shows and performances on AMP field trips. This experience will help students discover different performing techniques and accomplish their careers in the performing arts.

  • "The support from the teachers, realizing how much there is to this community...it was a beautiful experience."

    -AMP student

  • "This was the place where I really felt like I could express my love for the arts...I can really be myself."

    Gabriel Bait, AMP student